To make an appointment to see Drs Smith, Mushtaq or Donegan:
1. See your GP to get a referral (your need a referral to claim a Medicare rebate);
2. Ask your GP to send the referral plus any important info to us (Fax: 6243 6933);
3. You then ring us on 6243 8611 & ask for Maree who will make a time for you.
Maree can also give you an idea of the cost;
one of us should be able to see you in 2-3 weeks or 2 days if urgent.
4. Before the appointment make sure you have the following to bring:
your child & their medicare card,
for younger kids - their blue book,
for older kids - their school reports & letters from teacher etc,
any blood tests or x-rays that are relevant;
any assessments by Speech Path, OT, Psychologist, teacher;
special toys, drink and/or snack your child might need to stay calm & happy.
5. On the day please arrive 15 minutes early for the appointment to:
fill in some forms;
take your child to the toilet;
write out important questions to ask.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you and your child soon!
Sanda, Mudasir & Geoff